Why Repair Over Replacement

Repair & Restoration Service
Environmental Impact

1. Environmental Impact

We are all affected by climate change and its possible effects. This has led to an increase in recent years in the awareness of the need for government, corporate, and individual entities to reduce their “carbon footprint,” production of CO2, other “greenhouse” gases, and waste.

Everyone may lessen their influence and adhere to governmental, commercial, and social pressures surrounding environmental issues with the aid of our innovative on-site repair and restoration services.

Our Services

2. To Replace An Item, You have To Manufacture It

We are all affected by climate change and its possible effects. This has led to an increase in recent years in the awareness of the need for government, corporate, and individual entities to reduce their “carbon footprint,” production of CO2, other “greenhouse” gases, and waste.

Everyone may lessen their influence and adhere to governmental, commercial, and social pressures surrounding environmental issues with the aid of our innovative on-site repair and restoration services.

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Magicman in London

3. To Replace An Item, You have To Transport It

‘Greenhouse’ gases like harmful CO2 and others are produced by supply   chain mobility (transportation by road and air being the most harmful).

  • Raw material transportation to the manufacturer. Raw materials from differing areas/regions/countries.
  • Finished goods transportation from the manufacturer to the distributor
  • Finished goods transportation to the final consumer
  • Waste transportation of damaged replaced goods.

Transport became the largest emitting sector in 2016. This follows large decreases in energy emissions as the UK switched away from coal power and towards gas, while transport emissions have remained relatively static.

Due to drastically weaker exhaust emission limits in some nations, components made outside the EU may have a greater negative impact on the environment.

By employing magicman®, these unnecessary harmful emissions can all be avoided.

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Waste Landfill

4. To Replace An Item, You Create Waste

Transporting waste to landfill or for recycling is a requirement for all waste. Recycling still results in increased energy use and CO2 emissions. Still, most waste will be disposed of in landfills.

With the government’s rising landfill fees, using magicman® could help cut with this additional expense.

2008’s CLIMATE CHANGE ACT – By action in the UK and worldwide, this Act established a legally binding goal of at least an 80% reduction in “greenhouse” gas emissions by 2050. The goal was set with a 1990 baseline in mind.

LANDFILL TAX – From 1st April 2023 the fee will be £102.10 per tonne of mixed waste disposed of in landfill, increasing to £103.70 2024.

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Awarded Sustainable product of the year 2020
And best hard surfaces restoration & repair service 2022

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