
Magicman Technicians

Fully Accredited Service Provider

Welcome to Magicman, your trusted partner in the hard surface repair industry. We’re more than just a service; we’re a promise of outstanding workmanship, anchored by a plethora of industry accreditations and certifications. Our credibility is hard-earned through years of experience and a steadfast dedication to our craft, validated by a robust portfolio of credentials. As a fully accredited service provider, we bring an unmatched level of trust and professionalism to every repair. With Magicman, you’re not just choosing a repair service; you’re opting for certified excellence. Trust us to restore your hard surfaces to their original glory. At Magicman, we make perfection a standard, not just a goal.

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ISOQAR is the world’s most established quality framework, currently being used by around 897,000 organisations in 170 countries worldwide. ISO 9001: 2015 sets the standard not only for quality management systems, but management systems in general. Magicman also holds the  standard ISO 14001: 2015, first published as a standard in 1996 and it specifies the requirements for an organisation’s environmental management system. It applies to those environmental aspects over which an organisation has control and where it can be expected to have an influence. ISO 45001 2018 is the internationally recognised standard for occupational health and safety management. The standard is designed to clarify an organisation’s impact on health and safety issues, as well as to help reduce the risk of accidents and any breach in legal requirements.

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The Worksafe Contractor

The Worksafe Contractor certificate is a SSIP Member Scheme certificate, meaning that Magicman Holdings Limited has demonstrated Stage 1 H&S competence by meeting the ‘core criteria’ as set out in the Construction (Design and Management) regulations or the H&S module in PAS91. Worksafe certificate is recognised by the other SSIP members who offer mutual recognition.

Every organisation has a legal obligation to ensure that contractors working on their premises operate in a safe way. The SafeContractor scheme is designed to review and audit the health and safety policies, procedures and documentation of contractors. SafeContractor qualified auditors to take into consideration the profession, industry sector and business size, providing tailored safety audits that help identify whether there is suitable and sufficient health and safety compliance within our business.

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CHAS is established as the market leader for health and safety pre-qualification in the UK CHAS (Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme) provides information and assurances about the health and safety systems and competence of potential contractors.

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Constructionline is the UK’s largest register of pre-qualified construction services. It streamlines procedures by supplying the construction industry and its clients with a single national pre-qualification scheme. Constructionline is owned by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and is a contributor to the rethinking construction initiative. Magicman have gold membership status.

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The Builder’s Profile

The Builder’s Profile is an online pre-qualification data exchange service giving every company operating in the UK construction industry, the opportunity to have a single up-to-date pre-qualification, joining the industry-wide reduction of PQQ costs and inefficiency. Establishing a single standard pre-qualification questionnaire removes of endless duplication of forms, asking all the same questions, making a huge efficiency gain.